• How can I find out more about the e-ID Togo project?
    For specific information, please contact our dedicated 8285 hotlines or visit our website and social networking pages.
  • How do I indicate that I am a disabled person if the information about disability is not collected?
    Disability information is incorporated into the registration process to ensure accurate identification. Specific fields are dedicated to collect this information in order to better meet the needs of people with disabilities and ensure appropriate care.
  • If I lose my receipt, can I have my number?
    Yes, in case of loss of the receipt, it will be possible to obtain your Unique Identification Number (NIU) because an authentication module will be set up at reception to verify your registration.
  • As a disabled person with no ability to move around in a registration centre, how can I register?
    Special arrangements are in place for a proximity recording to reach vulnerable people who are unable to travel. Mobile teams are deployed to ensure that everyone, including people with disabilities, can benefit from the e-ID Togo project.
  • What if I don’t have a phone to receive notification of my registration?
    If you do not have a phone, you can use the phone of one of your relatives while waiting. You can also receive the notification by e-mail.
  • Would biometric identification not lead to the eviction of foreigners or financial expenses for undocumented foreigners in Togo?
    No! The aim of biometric identification through the e-ID Togo project is to improve access to services and strengthen inclusion, without causing harm to foreign residents.
  • Wouldn’t identification be a way for cybercriminals to continue to scam people?
    To combat cybercriminals, the Law N°2018-026 of 07 December 2018 on cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime was passed with the creation of the National Cyber Security Agency (ANCy) by Decree N°2019-022/PR on attributions, organization and operation of the ANCy, relating to the responsibilities, organization and operation of the ANCy
    This text ensures an effective and efficient management of cybersecurity throughout the territory, tracking criminals. It criminalizes attacks on privacy (right to image), crimes against morality (sexual harassment), offences against property (fraud, theft of contact details, scams etc.), perpetrated through computer and digital tools.
  • What are the provisions that are taken to guarantee the security of personal data that will be collected from the population?
    To protect personal data, the French Act N°2019-014 of 29 October 2019 on the protection of personal data was passed. Its Decree N°2020-111/PR of 09 December 2020 establishes the Personal Data Protection Authority (IPDCP) Ensures that personal data collected by different operators are protected against misuse or criminal or illegal purposes.
  • How do I update the information on my e-ID card in case of a move or change of marital status?
    Updates can be made at dedicated registration centers.
  • Can I use my e-ID card for financial transactions?
    Yes, the e-ID card can be used for financial transactions in the context of authorized services (opening bank account, access to credit, financial transactions...)
  • What information is stored on the e-ID card?
    The card contains biometric information and personal details to ensure secure identification.
  • What information is stored on the e-ID card?
    The card contains biometric information and personal details to ensure secure identification.
  • Is it possible to make a complaint following an error in your personal data?
    According to article 14 of the law on biometric identification, any applicant may submit a complaint to ANID following the discovery of an error in the information provided for correction
  • How should the UIP be used?
    The NIU serves as a reliable and government-recognized proof of identity and facilitates access to basic services such as health, social security, grants, education and finance in Togo.
    Law no2020-009 of 10 September 2020 on the biometric identification of natural persons in Togo provides in its article 14 that the acts to be transcribed for mortgage services, in application of the land and domain code, For the designation of persons and property contain the NIU.
    The documents, files and records drawn up by hospitals, medical biology laboratories, doctors, surgeonsdentists, pharmacists or health practitioners in accordance with the Public Health Code of the Togolese Republic, contain the NIU, provided that they are reserved for internal administrative purposes or relations with the holder of NIU.
    The NIU must be included on medical prescriptions and correspondence of persons mentioned in the preceding paragraph with social security and health insurance institutions.
    The NIU is contained in documents, records and files established by employers as part of their management of their staff or similar, such as trainees.
    The documents, records and files established for the performance of a service requested by the person whose UIP is used and for which a legal or regulatory provision requires the communication of the identification number must contain this number.
  • Can I register online?
    A pre-registration is possible on https://preinscription.anid.gouv.tg. However, this is only the first step in your registration process that will reduce the time you spend at the centre. After this pre-registration, you must bring your pre-registration ID and go to a registration center for the collection of your biometric data (fingerprints...) in order to complete your registration.
  • How long does it take to complete the registration process?
    Le processus d’enregistrement dure en fonction de divers facteurs (tel que l’affluence, l’agent d’appui, l’opérateur, le kit d’enregistrement…). Mais, mis à part ces différents facteurs, il dure en moyenne 15 minutes.
  • What documents do I need to bring with me for registration?
    All ID documents with your photo, such as identity card, voter card, passport...
  • Where are the e-ID Togo registration centres located?
    Registration centres are fixed and mobile, and are spread across the country.
    Fixed centres are usually located in schools, these centres are usually frequented by the population and whose distance and access do not suffer from any problems.
    The mobile centre requires the registration officer to go as far as the applicant because of the remoteness or difficult access to educational facilities. These centres will be located near the homes of the population. : the chief’s home or public square. The mobile kits will also be used in organised public or parapublic administrations.
  • What is the difference between biometric registration, voter registration, corporate registration and RHGP 5?
    Biometric registration aims at a unique identification of each individual on the national territory, electoral census focuses on electoral eligibility, registration by companies responds to specific needs of enterprises, Whereas RGHP 5 is a larger national census for planning purposes.

    • Biometric registration is intended to provide a unique identity and the purpose of issuing an electronic identity (e-ID) with a unique identification number (NIU) to each individual.
    • The electoral census is specifically intended to ensure eligibility and participation in elections, and has as its purpose the creation of electoral lists for voting in elections.
    • Registration by companies is carried out by companies for internal needs or membership of specific services. Its purpose varies according to the objectives of the company, such as employee management, access to services, etc.
    • RHGP 5 (General Census of Population and Habitat) is a comprehensive national census to collect information on population and housing. It is intended to provide demographic data for national planning.
  • Is there a complaint or complaint mechanism in case of problems or mistreatment at an e-ID Togo project centre?
    Yes, a complaint management mechanism is in place to collect and respond to all your questions and concerns related to the project. Report any problems to the local registration centre or call 8285 or go to your local communities or registration sites to report any problems you have with registration.
  • Can foreigners residing in Togo register?
    Yes, any foreigner residing in Togo can register.
  • Can refugees and asylum seekers register?
    Of course, refugees and asylum seekers residing in Togo as well as any citizen of a country residing in Togo are eligible.
  • Is registration open to Togolese from the diaspora or living abroad?
    No, registration is reserved for anyone residing on Togolese soil. The e-ID is designed for any individual residing on Togolese territory, which means that citizens living abroad or in diaspora will only be able to register when they are in Togolese soil.

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